This section aims to provide information in an entertaining manner. The material will be made available as a series of Concerts, each having a particular focus or theme. Both cylinders and discs will be covered, providing information on their development over time and on the different manufacturers, styles of music etc. Particular historic events and festivals may also be included.
The Library of Sound section will be added to over the coming months/years, as each Concert requires substantial preparation time. A notice will be included on the News page whenever new material is added.
The Library of Sound section will be added to over the coming months/years, as each Concert requires substantial preparation time. A notice will be included on the News page whenever new material is added.
Introduction to Cylinders. This provides information on cylinder manufacturers and gives examples of their recordings.
Christmas on Cylinders Concert
Scottish Music on Cylinders Concert
A Phonographic Tour of Continental Europe
The Edison Diamond Disc Concert
Christmas on Cylinders Concert - Part 2
Berliner 5" Discs