Selected Bibliography
We list here some important publications likely to be of interest to collectors, enthusiasts and/or researchers. For convenience each is listed under one section heading, but of course their content may span several topics. Although some are out of print, they may nevertheless be available in good Libraries, or purchased second hand. Do also check the CLPGS Bookshop.
Some of the older publications have been updated/ reprinted at least once; in general the date of the first edition is shown below. A few of them are also available as eBooks, or as pdf files free to download.
It is clearly impossible to provide a definitive list; please email the Website Manager if you feel anything important is missing. See also the Internet resources listed on our Web Links page.
Some of the older publications have been updated/ reprinted at least once; in general the date of the first edition is shown below. A few of them are also available as eBooks, or as pdf files free to download.
It is clearly impossible to provide a definitive list; please email the Website Manager if you feel anything important is missing. See also the Internet resources listed on our Web Links page.
General HistoriesA Voice in Time, the Gramophone of Fred Gaisberg by Jerrold Northrop Moore (Hamish Hamilton,1976)
Edison: A Life of Invention by Paul Israel (Wiley, 1998) From Tinfoil to Stereo by Oliver Read & Walter Welch (Howard Sams & Co, 1959) Henri Lioret, Clockmaker and Phonograph Pioneer by Julien Anton (CIRES, 2006) Recording History: The British Recording Industry 1888-1931 by Peter Martland (Scarecrow Press, 2013) Since Records Began: EMI, The First 100 Years by Peter Martland (Batsford, 1997)* The Edison Phonograph: The British Connection by Frank Andrews (CLPGS, 1986)** The E.M.G. Story by Francis James (Old Bakehouse Publications, 1998) The Fabulous Phonograph by Roland Gelatt (Cassell, 1977) The Incredible Music Machine by Russell Miller, Roger Boar et al (Quartet, 1982) The Lindström Project, Vols 1–10 by Pekka Gronow (GHT Vienna, 2009-19) The Patent History of the Phonograph, 1877-1912 by Allen Koenigsberg (Antique Phono Monthly Press, 1990) The Remarkable Life of Colonel George Gouraud by Howard Hope (Howard Hope, 2021) Cylinders, Discs and RecordingCLPGS Reference Series by various authors (CLPGS, 2000 onwards)
Label Discographies by various authors (CLPGS/various dates) Music on Record by Fred Gaisberg (Northumberland Press, 1947) Original Record Catalogues by numerous Record Companies (1898 onwards) The Story of Sound Recording by Joe Batten (Rockliff, 1956) Magazines and JournalsAssociation for Recorded Sound Collections
(ASRC, 1966 onwards) For the Record (CLPGS, 2001 onwards) Hillandale News (CLPGS, 1960-2001) The Antique Phonograph (APS, 2011 onwards) The Talking Machine Review (Ernie Bayly, 1969-2001) |
Phonographs and GramophonesA World of Antique Phonographs by Timothy Fabrizio & George F Paul (Schiffer Publishing, 2007)**
An Illustrated History of Phonographs and Gramophones by Daniel Marty (Edita, 1979)* CLPGS Reference Series by various authors (CLPGS, 2000 onwards) Collecting Phonographs and Gramophones by Christopher Proudfoot (Studio Vista, 1980) Columbia Phonograph Companion, Vols 1-2 by Howard Hazelcorn & Bob Baumbach (Mulholland Press, 1996) His Master's Gramophone by Brian Oakley & Christopher Proudfoot (B. Oakley & C. Proudfoot, 2011) Into the Groove by Jonathan Scott (Bloomsbury Sigma, 2023) La Machine Parlante by Paul Charbon (Jean-Pierre Gyss, 1981) Old Gramophones by Benet Bergonzi (Shire Publications No. 260, ~1998) Talking Machines by Victor K. Chew (HMSO - Science Museum, 1967) The Edison Cylinder Phonograph Companion by George Frow (George Frow, 1994) The Edison Disc Phonographs and Diamond Discs by George Frow (George Frow, 1982) The Talking Machine, an Illustrated Compendium by Timothy Fabrizio & George F Paul (Schiffer Publishing, 1997)** Tinfoil Phonographs by Rene Rondeau (Rene Rondeau, 2001) MiscellaneousThe Compleat Talking Machine by Eric L Reiss
(Vestal Press, 1986; Sonoran Publishing 1998; etc) The Collector's Guide to HMV Souvenirs by Ruth Edge and Leonard Petts (EMI, 1997) The Story of Nipper and the HMV Picture by Leonard Petts and Frank Andrews** (The Talking Machine Review, 1984) |
* Books containing extensive Bibliographies
** These Authors have also written numerous other publications (not listed here, due to limited space).
** These Authors have also written numerous other publications (not listed here, due to limited space).