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About Us
What's On
Sound Library
Concert No.1 - Introduction to Cylinders
Concert No.2 - Christmas on Cylinders Concert
Concert No 3 - Scottish Music on Cylinders Concert
Concert No 4 - A Phonographic Tour of Continental Europe
Concert No 5 - The Edison Diamond Disc Concert
The Concert
The Edison Disc - A Short History
Concert No 6 - Christmas on Cylinders Concert - Part 2
Concert No.7 - Berliner 5" discs
Info Centre
General History of Record Collecting
Machine Collecting
Phonograph & Gramophone Advertising
Nipper Memorabilia
Collecting Needle Tins
Collecting Cylinders
Care, Storage, Handling etc.
Cleaning, Reaming etc.
Machine Photo Gallery
Selected Bibliography
Beginner's Guides
A Guide to Playing 78rpm Records
Calibration Strobes
Back to Basics
The Reproducer and Sound Box
Speed Regulating
The Spring Motor
The Feedscrew and Half Nut
What Stylus Should Be Used
Useful reproductions from For The Record
Flattening Warped or Dished Discs
Industry and Company Notes
Articles of Interest
Our Magazine
Contact Us
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Questions - Contact us
Web Links
Application Form
Phonographs, Gramophones, Cylinders, Discs, Shellac, Tape Recordings, Compact Discs,
Record Companies, Biographies, and Discographies.
If you are interested in any of the above subjects or any aspect of the history of recorded sound then you should consider joining us!
The City Of London Phonograph And Gramophone Society, was inaugurated in 1919 from various smaller societies in London and has been meeting regularly up to the present day. Our first Patron was Thomas Alva Edison. In spite of the name we now have members Worldwide. We publish a quarterly journal (For The Record) with articles, letters, advertisements and other items all contributed by our members. We publish discographies, facsimile catalogues and other books related to the history of Recorded sound. We also stock specialist books from other publishers.
Monthly meetings are held in central London, and regular meetings are held in various regions of the UK. We also hold Phonofairs where members and enthusiasts can meet to sell, buy, swap, machines, records and books etc. Full details are given on the Diary page.
CLPGS Membership runs from March 1st to the end of the following February. Anyone joining during the period March to November will receive all the issues of
For The Record
for that membership year. Anyone joining during December to February will receive the Winter issue, their membership then commencing from the next March 1st.
Annual subscription rates for 2025
are slightly higher than in 2024 (due to increased postage rates), and are now:
UK: £25 (or £15 for registered students).
Europe and Eire: £32 (or £15 for registered students).
Rest of the World (outside Europe): £38; Airmail only.
Due to changes in USA banking regulations, we regret we are no longer able to accept cheques (checks) in US Dollars.
Please either fill out the online application form below, and click the submit button and pay by PayPal; or alternatively,
complete and print the form
, and send it with a Cheque or Postal Order to:
Elaine Hedger
Membership Secretary, CLPGS
14 Rusper Close
Dollis Hill
London NW2 6QS
United Kingdom
Application Form
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Phone Number
Please indicate how you became aware of the CLPGS
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Zip Code
Select Payment Option
Postal Order
If you are paying via Cheque or PO then select the relevant box, print out the completed page, and post it with your payment to Elaine Hedger (for address see above). If you would rather pay via PayPal, select the PayPal option, and complete the Payment form below.
Cheque/PO for
enclosed payable to CLPGS Ltd
Company Reg No 3124250 Registered Charity No 1057538.
If you have selected the PayPal payment option please also fill out the payment form below.
Annual Subscription and create annual Standing Order payment
UK £25.00 GBP - year(s)
Europe incl. RoI £32.00 GBP - year(s)
UK & Europe Student £15.00 GBP - year(s)
Rest of the World (Air Mail) £38.00 GBP - year(s)
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Email/Tel No.